Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Herbal organic balms and salves

Here are some items I've been having fun with recently.  I started making diaper salves, vapor rubs and other balms for myself a little over a year ago.  I was giving them to friends and really enjoyed using them and had some great feedback.  So I've decided to let my online crafty friends test them out for me so I can add them to some other items I'm working on for a craft fair.

I infuse my oils in organic herbs with a cold infusion process that takes about 3 weeks.  I use organic fair trade ingredients whenever possible.  I also get most of my oils and my organic essential oils from Mountain Rose Herbs.  Love that place!!

Here are some photos from my progress over the last week:

A collection of some finished items.
The diaper salve is in the glass jars

Here are some of the herbs after their pressing

Here is my Knitters Balm oil and my Calm Balm oil
I love the different shades the herbs give

A few Balms from tonight cooling off

Thanks for looking.  I can't wait to get them labeled and pretty!
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